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Apprenticeships, Internships, and New Grad Opportunities in California

- 2U - Internships - Spring/Summer/Fall internships, 3 months, work with a team
- Adobe - Student Internships - paid, work with a mentor, work on real problems, possibility of getting hired on full-time after graduating
- AMD - Student Internships - co-ops, Fall/Summer terms, unique roles posted when available
- Apple - Student Internships - work with a team, collaborate, hands-on experience, unique internships during summer and school term, roles posted when available
- Autodesk - Student Internships - offer unique intern positions, no set time for when they will be available, work on real projects with a team, flexible hours, competitive salary, training and workshops
- Box - Software Engineering Internship - 12 week summer internship, full-time work, work with team on a project, manager and mentor support
- Cadence - Internships - mentorship, industry speaker series, networking events, teamwork, professional experience
- Capital One - Technology Internship Program - 10 weeks, for high performing engineers, develop understanding of technology and business, team oriented, work on real problems, positions posted when available
- Chegg - Summer Internships - chance of getting hired on full-time, unique roles posted when available
- Cubic - Internships - work with a mentor, work on cutting edge projects, make an impact, unique roles posted when available
- Drop - Internships - short ramp-up program, join an existing group to work together, real-world web-development projects, modern technologies, roles posted when available
- EA - Summer Internships and Co-ops - work on a real project, chance of being hired on full-time, collaborating with others
- Ebay - Internships - work on projects, work with top leadership, training, positions posted when available
- Equinix - Student Internships - Spring/Summer/Fall internships, networking, work with professionals, free breakfasts and beverages, data center visits, volunteer opportunities
- Facebook - Internships - paired with a mentor, have manager support, work on real projects, housing assistance, networking events
- Google - Internships - many different internship programs, most for students over the summer, positions posted when available
- HP - Internships - work on substantial projects, networking, unique positions posted when available
- HPE - Internships - real projects, real experience, work with manager, opportunities posted when available
- Hulu - Student Summer Internship Program - 10 weeks (June - September), competitive salary, work on challenges, positions posted when available
- Infineon - Student Internships - work with a team, collaborative environment, positions posted when available
- Infoblox - Student Summer Internships - competitive salary, hands-on experience, work on real projects, networking, chance of getting hired on full-time
- Intel - Student Internships - ownership of projects, developing programs, competitive salaries, networking, university classes, chance of full-time employment
- Intuit - Student Summer Internships/Co-ops - 10-12 weeks paid work, paid housing and transportation, 8 hours paid volunteering, work with team and manager on projects, mentorship, networking, chance of getting hired full-time
- Jam3 - Summer Internships - work with three other people in a team, brainstorm, prototype, create a website you design
- Keysight - Student Internships - at least 10 weeks, mentor support, chance of getting hired on full-time, positions posted when available
- Lyft - Internships - work with team, challenging projects, paired with a mentor, lunch and learns, unique positions posted when available
- MarkLogic - Internships - work with a team, mentorship, professional growth, work on implementing real projects, send email to find out availability
- Maxim Integrated - Summer Internships - runs from May to September, collaborate with professionals, meaningful projects you own, cutting edge technology, mentor support, workshops, networking
- Microsoft - University Internship - competitive pay, relocation benefits Explore Microsoft - 12 week summer program for 2nd year college students, hands-on experience, learning on the job
- Moody’s Analytics - Student Summer Internship - 10 weeks, paired with a mentor, real world experience, developing software at the intersection of technology and finance, chance of being hired on full-time
- Mozilla - Internships - work with team, hands on experience, work on projects, have an assigned mentor, competitive pay, housing, transportation, hire from September - March
- Netapp - Summer Internships - collaborate with professional, cross functional engagements, make an impact on the company
- New Relic - New Relic Intern Program - for students, perform real work, collaborative environment, work with a team and manager, see results, social events, networking
- Omni Vision - Student Summer Internship - students only, do real work, coach and mentor support, work on projects with managers, social events, send email to find out availability
- Oracle - Student Summer Internships - learn to apply industry leading technology to customer needs, positions posted when available
- Palantir - Internships - two-week onboarding course, work on real products, collaborative environment, mentor support, positions posted when available
- Palo Alto - Student Summer Internships - 12 weeks, projects with real impact, one-on-one mentoring, networking, events, opportunities
- Pandora - SiriusXM + Pandora Internships - students and grads, run in Summer/Fall/Spring, 10 weeks, hand-on experience, on the job training, mentoring, work with a team
- Pinterest - Internships - for students and grads, 12 weeks full-time, treated like an employee, write code, develop new features, be paired with a mentor, work with a team, work on real products, make-a-thons, events, networking
- RingCentral - RingTern Internship Program - for students and grads, 10 week program, orientation and training program, work on real products, hands on experience, networking, mentorship support, manager support
- Riot Games - Student Internships - full-time work, 10-7pm, competitive pay, will pay for relocation, housing support, develop real games, events, networking
- Salesforce - Summer Internships - learn from senior leaders, work in a team, learn new skills, network, unique positions posted when available
- Shopify - Internships - 4 or 8 months, hired for Summer, Fall and Winter terms, interns treated like full employees, paid experience, work on real projects, work in a team, paired with a mentor. Internship positions are usually posted 4 months before, check the website for postings
- Sid Lee - Summer Internship Program - check website for postings
- Sony - Student Internships - real work experience, developing new technologies, check website for available positions
- Splunk - Internships - hand-on experience, mentor support, real work challenges, networking, special events, unique roles posted when available
- Spotify - Summer Internships - Thesis Internship, Co-op Internships, Academic Internships
- Square - Student Internships - 12 - 16 weeks, chance of getting hired full-time, hire in fall, work on real problems, have a mentor, have ownership over projects, orientation program
- Synopsys - Student Summer Internships - competitive pay, work with experts, work on real world work, work with a team
- Tesla - Tesla START Student Automotive Technician Program - 12 weeks, transition from college to full-time employment, earn certifications, team activities, weekly objectives Student Internships - positions posted when available
- Twitter - Internships - 12 weeks, fall/winter/summer terms, manager and mentor support, hands on experience, full-time or part-time hours, relocation assistance for full-time, competitive salary
- Uber - Student Internships and Co-ops - real world experience, work with a team, have a mentor, opportunities will be posted as available
- Ubisoft - Paid Internships - positions posted as available
- Updater - Internships - real work, make your own side project, gain transferable skills, unique positions posted when available
- VMware - Internships - work with cutting-edge technology, make an impact, work with industry leaders, positions posted as available
- Xilinx - Student Internships - learning and development opportunities, working with professionals, collaborative environment, unique roles posted when available
- Yelp - Interns - work in a team, mentor support, socials, networking, positions posted when available
- Zynga - Paid Student Internships - offer different kinds, summer only, year round placements, co-ops, positions posted when available
New Grad Opportunities
- Adobe - Grad Jobs - paid, work with a mentor, work on real problems, chance of getting hired full-time
- Apple - Grad Internships - work with a team, collaborate, hands-on experience, unique internships during summer and school term, check website for positions available
- Autodesk - Grad Jobs - offer occasional positions, positions posted when available
- Cadence - Grad Jobs - develop tools and IP, work with customers and company partners, hackathons, paid volunteer time, mentorship, tuition reimbursement
- EA - Grad Jobs - work on real projects, collaborate with team, develop games, unique positions posted when available
- Ebay - Grad Jobs - social activities, speaker series and conferences, real work experience, positions posted as available
- Equinix - New to Career Positions - must be a grad with minimal to no working experience to apply, work with a team, tuition reimbursement, free breakfast, company wide open door policy, volunteer days, paid time-off
- Facebook - Grad Jobs - paired with a mentor, have manager support, work on real projects, housing assistance, chance of getting hired full-time
- HP - Grad Jobs - work with a team to solve problems, projects, on-site services, unique positions posted when available
- HPE - Grad Jobs - real projects, real experience, work with manager, opportunities, positions posted when available
- Infineon - International Graduate Program - 18 months, three different departments, will be working abroad in one of them, leads to full-time employment, mentoring, feedback sessions, paired with a buddy, interdepartmental teams
- Intuit - New Grad Program - must be enrolled in accredited university set to graduate within 12 months, or having graduated within 12 months, help transitioning into career, additional support of first year on job, networking, peer-to-peer mentoring, lunch and learns
- Keysight - Grad Jobs - at least 10 weeks, mentor support, unique positions posted when available
- Lyft - Grad Jobs - collaborate with team, work on real projects, work on products from design to implementation, unique positions, check website for availability
- Maxim Integrated - Grad Jobs - networking, mentoring circle, offer classes through Maxim University, paid time-off
- Microsoft - Microsoft Aspire Experience - for recent grads with limited work experience, two year development program, role-specific training, build network PHD Internship - 12 week internship in Summer or Spring, grads only
- Netapp - University Grad Hire Program - 90 day integration and training, winter/summer/fall terms, transition from campus to corporate life, networking, full-time roles
- Palantir - Grad Jobs - two-week onboarding course, work on real products, collaborative environment, mentor support, unique positions posted when available
- Pandora - SiriusXM + Pandora Internships - students and grads, run in Summer/Fall/Spring, 10 weeks, hand-on experience, on the job training, mentoring, work with a team
- Pinterest - Internships - for students and grads, 12 weeks full-time, treated like an employee, write code, develop new features, be paired with a mentor, work with a team, work on real products, make-a-thons, events, networking
- RingCentral - Ringtern Internship Program - for students and grads, 10 week program, orientation and training program, work on real products, hands on experience, networking, mentorship support, manager support
- Square - Grad Internships - 12 - 16 weeks, chance of getting hired full-time, hire in fall, work on real problems, have a mentor, have ownership over projects, orientation program
- Twitter - Grad Internships - 12 weeks, fall/winter/summer terms, manager and mentor support, hands on experience, full-time or part-time hours, relocation assistance for full-time, competitive salary
- Uber - Grad Jobs - problem solving, collaborative workplace, unique positions posted as available
- Ubisoft - Ubisoft Graduate Program - positions posted in January, work on real video games, work with people from all around the world, new technologies, quickly changing industry
- VMware - New Graduates - work with a team, network opportunities, amplify talents, work on real products, University Propel and University Launch programs
- Xilinx - Entry Level Professional Program - for grads, community activities, learning and development opportunities, working with professionals, collaborative environment
- Yardi - Grad Jobs - develop cutting-edge software, work with a team, integrating new technology, unique roles, check website for availability
- Yelp - Grad Opportunities - work in a team, mentor support, socials, networking, positions posted when available
- Zynga - Grad Jobs - must have graduated within last year, start with a weeklong bootcamp, join a team, real work experience, positions posted when available
- 8th Light - Apprenticeships - 6 months, paired with a mentor, hire in groups of cohorts, collaborative learning environment, team projects, self study, workshops, each apprenticeship unique to needs
- Google - Information Technology (IT) Apprenticeship - 12 months, paid, competitive compensation package, positions posted when available
- Infineon - Grad Apprenticeships - have personal contacts on site, work with other apprentices, career programs, training opportunities, positions posted when available
- LinkedIn - REACH - engineering apprenticeship program, designed for those with non-traditional backgrounds, 1-5 year program flexible in length, work technical roles to grow skill set, mentor support, trains apprentices for specific full-time positions
- Lyft - Apprenticeship - ideal for non-education backgrounds, engage with engineering teams, mentor support, work with products from design to implementation, positions posted when available
- Pandora - Engineer Apprenticeship Program - for those without a degree but some software training, put into a group, each group focuses on specific areas, training followed by up to 6 months of paid contract on-site work, receive mentoring and regular feedback, may be chosen for any open roles available at completion
- Pinterest - Apprenticeships - Information will be posted as available
- Thoughtbot - Apprenticeships - full-time paid position with benefits, onboarding, assigned a mentor, work on client projects, work on personalized projects to grow skills, new mentor and team each month, after 3 months apprentice is promoted to a proper job at the company
- Twitter - Apprenticeships - Information will be posted when available
Inclusivity Programs
- Equinix - Veteran Careers - leadership positions, work with a team, positions posted when available
- Facebook - Facebook University - 8 week internship program for students from underrepresented communities, mentor guidance, 3 weeks mobile development, 5 weeks hands on experience in a small team, application process from september through october
- Google - Scholarships - Women Techmakers Scholarship, Google Lime Scholarship (students with disabilities), Generation Google Scholarship (underrepresented groups), Google Student Veterans of America Scholarship
- HPE - Military Veterans - veteran mentoring program, benefits package, Veteran Employee Resource Network, help veterans transition into corporate America
- LinkedIn - REACH - engineering apprenticeship program, designed for those with non-traditional backgrounds, 1-5 year program flexible in length, work technical roles to grow skill set, mentor support, trains apprentices for specific full-time positions
- Palantir - Scholarships - supporting students from underrepresented communities, full-day workshop, see demos, grant of up to $10,000 to support education in STEM
- Twitter - Twitter Academy - 12 week paid summer internship, for second year undergraduates, designed for underrepresented groups in computer science