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Apprenticeships, Internships, and New Grad Opportunities in New York City

- 2U - Internships - Spring/Summer/Fall internships, 3 months, work with a team
- Adobe - Student Internship - paid, work with a mentor, work on real problems, possibility of getting hired on full-time after graduating
- Capital One - Technology Internship Program - 10 weeks, for high performing engineers, develop understanding of technology and business, team oriented, work on real problems, check website for availability
- Chegg - Summer Internships - chance of getting hired full-time, unique roles check website for availability
- Ebay - Internships - work on projects, training, unique roles check website for availability
- Facebook - 2020 Remote Summer Internship - global internship now remote only, check website for more details
- HP - Internships - work on substantial projects, networking, unique positions, check website for availability
- Hulu - Student Summer Internship Program - 10 weeks (June - September), competitive salary, work on challenges, positions posted when available
- Microsoft - University Internships - competitive pay, relocation benefits Explore Microsoft - 12 week summer program for 2nd year college students, hands-on experience, learning on the job
- Moody’s Analytics - Student Summer Internships - 10 weeks, paired with a mentor, real world experience, developing software at the intersection of technology and finance, possibility of being hired on full-time
- Shopify - Internships - 4 or 8 months, Summer/Fall/Winter terms, interns treated like full employees, paid experience, work on real projects, work in a team, paired with a mentor, Internship positions are usually posted 4 months before, check the website for postings
- Sid Lee - Summer Internship Program - roles posted when available
- Sony - Student Internships - real work experience, developing new technologies, check website for available positions
- Spotify - Summer Internships - Thesis Internship, Co-op Internships, Academic Internships, check website for availability
- Square - Student Internships - 12 - 16 weeks, chance of getting hired full-time, hire in fall, work on real problems, have a mentor, have ownership over projects, orientation program
- SquareSpace - Summer Internship Program - 11 weeks, 40 hours per week, work with team, paired with a lead, weekly one-on-one meetings, projects, educational and social programming, free lunch, unique roles to apply for
- Synopsys - Student Summer Internships - competitive pay, work with experts, do real world work, work with a team
- Transferwise - Summer Internships - 3 months, paid, chance of employment, customer facing projects, real work experience
- Twitter - Internships - 12 weeks, Fall/Winter/Summer terms, manager and mentor support, hands on experience, full-time or part-time hours, relocation assistance for full-time, competitive salary
- Uber - Student Internships and Co-ops - real world experience, work with a team, have a mentor, opportunities will be posted when available
- Ubisoft - Paid Internships - unique roles, check website for availability
- Updater - Internships - real work, make your own side project, gain transferable skills, unique roles posted when available
- Yelp - Internships - work in a team, mentor support, socials, networking, positions posted when available
- Zynga - Paid Student Internships - offer different kinds, summer only/year round placements/co-ops, check website for positions available
New Grad Opportunities
- Adobe - Grad Jobs - paid, work with a mentor, work on real problems, chance of getting hired on full-time
- Ebay - Grad Jobs - social activities, speaker series and conferences, real work experience, positions occasionally posted, check website for availability
- Facebook - Grad Jobs - paired with a mentor, have manager support, work on real projects, housing assistance, chance of getting hired full-time
- HP - Grad Jobs - work with a team to solve problems, projects, on-site services, unique positions, roles posted when available
- Microsoft - Microsoft Aspire Experience - for recent grads with limited work experience, two year development program, role-specific training, build network PHD Internships - 12 week internship in Summer or Spring, grads only
- Square - Grad Internships - 12 - 16 weeks, chance of getting hired full-time, hire in fall, work on real problems, have a mentor, have ownership over projects, orientation program
- SquareSpace - Grad Jobs - work with a team, have a mentor, weekly one-on-one meetings, free lunch, unique positions to apply for, one new grad starts per month
- Transferwise - Grad Jobs - coaching from lead and team, real work experience, onboarding week, free breakfast, flexible hours
- Twitter - Grad Internships - 12 weeks, Fall/Winter/Summer terms, manager and mentor support, hands on experience, full-time or part-time hours, relocation assistance for full-time, competitive salary
- Uber - Grad Jobs - problem solving, collaborative workplace, unique positions posted when available
- Ubisoft - Ubisoft Graduate Program - positions posted in January, work on real video games, work with people from all around the world, new technologies
- Yelp - Grad Opportunities - work in a team, mentor support, socials, networking, positions posted when available
- Zynga - Grad Jobs - must have graduated within last year, start with a weeklong bootcamp, join a team, real work experience, check website for available positions
- 8th Light - Apprenticeships - 6 months, paired with a mentor, hire in groups of cohorts, collaborative learning environment, team projects, self study, workshops, each apprenticeship unique to individual needs
- Google - Information Technology (IT) Apprenticeships - 12 months, paid, competitive compensation package
- Groundwork - Software Development Apprenticeship - must have a degree (doesn’t matter in what), entry-level junior developer, full-time positions, work with experienced developers, build real products for clients, health benefits, matching 401(k), vacation and holidays