Canada-Alberta Job Grant
- Covers the hiring and training of employees.
- Alberta only, employees must live in Alberta to qualify.
- Businesses must pay ⅓ of training costs, the government will pay a maximum of $10,000 per trainee each fiscal year.
- If hiring and training an unemployed Albertan 100% of costs may be covered.
- Eligible Employers: Private Sector employers, non-profit employers, First Nations and Metis settlements, Agriculture Financial Services Corporation, Alberta Treasury Branches.
- Employers must have current or potential employees in need of training for existing or future positions to qualify.
Canada-Manitoba Job Grant
- Assists employers in hiring and training employees to fill positions.
- Can only hire and train Canadian citizens/permanent residents living in Manitoba.
- May receive up to $10,000 per employee, employers must pay for ⅓ of training.
- Employers can decide on a third party to do the training.
Canada Nunavut Job Grant (CNJG)
- Covers the training of newly hired employees.
- Employers must be based in Nunavut.
- Employers must have less than 50 employees to qualify.
- Employers must pay up to ⅓ of training fees.
- Training can be done by a third party as long as it is a recognized institution.
Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG)
- Provides financial support for businesses looking to provide training to employees.
- Must be licensed to operate within Ontario, training and job must be in Ontario.
- Up to $10,000 per employee, employers with over 100 employees must pay for half of training costs, those with under 100 employees pay ⅙ of training fees.
- Eligible Employers: Private and not-for-profit employers, organizations acting on behalf of employers.
- Allows for a group of employers to apply as a consortium.
Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant
- Employers may receive up to $10,000/employee in assistance to help train new or existing employees to fill needs of a job.
- Employers must pay ⅓ of training costs.
- Employers can choose a third party training institution.
- Eligible Employers: Private and not-for-profit employers.
- Can only hire Canadian citizens or permanent residences.
Canada Summer Jobs
- Wage subsidies for employers to create quality summer work experiences for young people aged 15 to 30 years.
- Not-for-profit employers can receive 100% of funding for minimum wage.
- Public and private sector employers can receive 50% of funding for minimum wage.
Innovate BC Innovator Skills Initiative (Innovate BC-ISI)
- Employers get up to $10,000 per year for hiring a student.
- Opened to all BC companies.
- Must be hiring for a tech role, must offer entrepreneurial and business training to students.
- Match grant funding 100% in cash, must be able to pay students throughout.
- Encouraged to hire remotely due to COVID-19.
Job Integration Contract
- Wage subsidy for employers hiring a person with a disability.
- Quebec only.
- Must provide support and supervision for employees.
- Specialized services will be available.
- Employers will be eligible for salary support and additional expenses to accommodate employees.
Student Training and Employment Program
- Wage subsidies to hire students for summer jobs.
- Employers must have operated business in Yukon for at least one year to qualify.
- $7.20/hour for 450 of 600 hours will be paid by the government.
- Eligible Employers: private sector employers, non-government organizations or agencies, First Nation, municipal government, government of Yukon department.
- Employers must pay students according to specific payment guidelines outlined in the program.
Young Canada Works in Both Official Languages
- Summer job program.
- Wage subsidies for employers who hire youth from other regions of Canada, and conduct business in both official languages.
- Travel and housing costs may be funded.
- Priority given to hiring students traveling 125km from their permanent residences.
- Eligible Employers: public/private/non-profit organizations, municipalities, incorporated employers, employers involved in national/provincial/territorial/municipal/community activities, employers willing to hire youth from other Canadian regions, employers conducting activity in both official languages.
Youth Internships
- Provides up to 50% of funding for youth internships taken on by a small/medium sized company, 90% of salary costs provided for not-for-profit organizations.
- Preference for youths hired from Northern Ontario.
- Internship must be related to digital economy/innovation or trade.
COVID-19 Grants
Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
- Subsidy covers 75% of employee wages for up to 12 weeks (March 15 - June 6, 2020).
- Must have a revenue reduction of at least 15% in March and 30% in April and May.
- Eligible Employers: Individuals, taxable corporations, persons exempt from corporate tax other than public institutions, charities, partnerships of eligible employers.
- Must have a CRA payroll account since at least March 15, 2020.
Temporary 10% Wage Subsidy
- Employers can reduce the amount of payroll deduction needed to be remitted to the Canada Revenue Agency for three months.
- Subsidy is 10% of the remuneration to be paid from March 18 - June 19, 2020, up to $1,375 per employee to a maximum of $25,000 per employer.
- Eligible Employers: Individuals, partnerships, non-profit organizations, registered charities, Canadian-controlled private corporations eligible for small business deductions.
Extended Work-Sharing Program
- Helps employers avoid layoffs during a decrease in business outside of employer’s control.
- Provides Employer Insurance benefits if employers reduce their working hours and share available work.
- Duration of program increased from 38 - 76 weeks.
- Eligible Employers: year round businesses established in Canada for at least one year, private business or publicly held companies, employers with at least two employees in WS unit, government business enterprises, and not-for-profit employers.