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Tech Internships, New Grad Opportunities, and Apprenticeships - America 2022

- 2U - Internships - Spring/Summer/Fall semesters, offer different internships, if none on website check linked twitter account for more information, Maryland, Brooklyn, Chapel Hill, Denver, LA locations - [Maryland] [New York] [North Carolina] [Colorado] [Los Angeles]
- Adobe - Student Internship - For CS and Electrical Engineering students, chance of being hired on full-time, offer different internships, check to see what is currently available - [Remote US]
- Affirm - Internships - Remote events, mentorship, check job openings for availability, offered remotely to Canadian and US grads - [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- Amazon - Student Internships - Offer a wide range of student internships, check to see what is available, offered globally - [Global Remote]
- AMD - Internships - Offers various roles, check to see what is currently available, have positions across the US - [USA]
- Apple - Summer Internships - Must be enrolled in a student program to apply, various positions offered, check to see what is available - [California]
- Arm - Internships - Check to see what is available, offer software engineering internships at Texas location, must be a student currently enrolled in CS or a related field to apply - [Texas]
- Autodesk - Student Internship - Collaborate with developers, check website for opportunities across Canada and the US - [Canada] [USA]
- Box - Summer Internship - Must be enrolled in CS or related field to apply, twelve week internship, Redwood City location - [California]
- Cadence - Internships - For students and new grads, offers a variety of roles, check to see what is available, summer internships and others - [California]
- Capital One - Internships - Ten week technology internship program, offer a variety of internships, summer and otherwise, check to see what is available - [California] [New York] [Illinois]
- Chegg - Internships - Offer a variety, check to see what is available - [California] [Texas] [Florida] [Mississippi]
- ConvergeOne - Summer Internships - 10 weeks, paid, must be an enrolled college student with a 3.2 GPA, some tech internships available, check website for open opportunities, have various locations and positions in 28 US states - [USA]
- Coveo - Student Internships - Work with AI, offered in Quebec City and Montreal locations, and remotely throughout Canada and the US - [Quebec] [Montreal] [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- Cubic - Student Internships - Must be enrolled in a four year CS program or related field, offer various internships, check to see what is available - [California] [Florida]
- Deep Genomics - Internships - Intersection of drug development, genomics and AI, check website for availability, offer in-person at Toronto, Boston, and San Francisco locations, and North America remote positions - [Ontario] [Massachusetts] [California] [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- DoorDash - Summer Internships - Software development, 12 weeks, 1:1 mentorship, check for internship availability, offices in Toronto, San Francisco, Mountain View, Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, Pittsburgh, Chicago - [Ontario] [California] [New York] [Washington] [Pennsylvania] [Illinois]
- Dropbox - Internships - two different student internships, real-world experience, check website for availability - [USA Remote]
- EA - Internships - Offers variety of internships, summer and otherwise, check to see what is currently available - [California] [Georgia] [BC] [Florida] [Ontario]
- Essential Designs - Internship - Check job listings for available opportunities, if none they encourage sending an email enquiring about internships, always looking for new talent, located in Boston - [Boston]
- Fathom - Student Internships - Fill out form and wait for reply, based in Nashville Tennessee, unsure of remote work - [Tennessee]
- Google - Internships+ - Check to see what is available, many different roles offered, many are remote positions - [Global Remote] [USA Remote] [Canada Remote]
- HP - Summer Internship - Must be current CS student or have a Masters in CS or related fields, Texas location - [Texas]
- HPE - Student and New Grad Internships - Offer positions for both current students and new CS grads, variety of different roles, check to see what is available - [California] [Texas] [North Carolina] [Colorado]
- HTD Health - Internship Program Hello World - For students and new grads, July-September 2022, paid internship, have a growth partner, workshops, good chance of being hired after, send in resume to apply - [Global Remote]
- Intel - Student Internship - Must be enrolled in CS or equivalent, need experience in C, C++, or Python, located in Toronto, also offered virtually throughout Canada and the US - [Ontario] [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- Jam3 - Summer Internship - Must be student or have graduated in past two years to apply, 16 week paid internship, work with a small team on a real client project, apply through website, Toronto and Los Angeles locations - [Ontario] [California]
- Keysight - Student Internship - Must be enrolled as a student in CS or related field, six month internship - [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- Lyft - Student Internships - Offer a variety of different opportunities for CS students and grads, check to see what is available - [California] [Texas] [New York] [USA Remote] [Washington] [New Mexico]
- Meta - Student Internship - Work on speech and audio algorithms, must have MS or in processes of getting MS degree in Electrical engineering, CS or related fields, Redmond Washington location - [Washington]
- Microsoft - Student Internship - work on real projects with cutting-edge technology, check for availability, offered in Redmond, The Bay Area, Cambridge, and Vancouver - [BC] [Washington] [California] [Massachusetts]
- Mozilla - Internship - Complete take home assessment or coding challenge to apply, check website for available opportunities, Toronto, Portland, and San Francisco locations, also offered remotely throughout Canada and the US - [Ontario] [Oregon] [California] [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- Netapp - Internships - Offer various internships, no software internships at time of writing, but check to see what is currently available - [North Carolina]
- NVIDIA - Internships - Check website for availability, locations and internships subject to change, offered remotely and in office in US and Canada - [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- Palantir - Path Internship - Applications open in august 2022, ten to twelve week internship, must be a CS student or in a related field to apply, offices in New York, Palo Alto, Seattle, and Washington DC - [New York] [California] [Washington] [D.C]
- Palo Alto - Student Internship - Runs from May-August or June-September, must be enrolled as a student in CS or related field, must be able to legally work in the US, Santa Clara location, offered remotely - [California] [Global Remote]
- Pandora - Summer Internships - Offer a variety of different internships, internships are paid, must be an enrolled student or recent graduate to apply in a CS or related field - [New York] [California] [Georgia]
- Pinterest - Summer Internship - Twelve weeks, need 2-3 years of CS classes, ownership over projects, offered in San Francisco, Palo Alto, Seattle, and Toronto - [California] [Washington] [Ontario]
- Polaris - Student Internship - web development, UI, check website for availability, based in Plymouth Minnesota - [Minnesota]
- Riot Games - Internships - Must be a student of a college/university/or online course to enrol, must be able to work full-time on location, paid internship with perks and socials, no current internships being offered but check to see if anything has come available since time of writing, offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco - [California]
- Shopify - Internships and Student Internships - Open to student and grads, three, four, and eight month long internships, offer remotely throughout Canada and the US - [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- Slack - Student Summer Internships - Twelve week paid internship, applications open in August, offered in California, New York, and Colorado - [California] [New York] [Colorado]
- Space X - Internship - For current students enrolled in four-year accredited university and recent grads, full-time for 12 weeks, Spring, Summer, and Fall terms, locations in McGregor TX, Cape Canaveral FL, Vandenberg AFB CA, Hawthorne CA, Seattle WA, Washington DC - [Texas] [Florida] [Washington] [DC]
- Splunk - Student Internships - Offer a few software engineer internships, must be a currently enrolled CS or equivalent student, paid internship - [California] [New York] [Georgia] [Washington] [North Carolina] [Colorado]
- Spotify - Student Internships - Offer various internships, check to see what is currently available, applications for global summer internship opens in Fall, many are offered remotely throughout Canada and the US - [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- Square - Student Internships - Check job listings for available opportunities, offices in the US and Canada, currently offering in San Francisco - [Canada] [USA] [California]
- SquareSpace - Summer Internship - Twelve weeks, can choose what tech area you want to apply to (ex: front-end, mobile etc), must currently be a student, located in NYC - [New York]
- Stripe - Internships - Occasionally offer internships, check website for availability, located in Seattle, Washington, New York, Toronto, remote also offered - [Washington] [New York] [Ontario]
- Sun Life - Student Summer Internship - Ten weeks paid internship, check website for opportunities, can be offered in Toronto, Montreal, Waterloo, and in various locations across the US - [Ontario] [Montreal] [USA]
- Synopsys - Summer Internship - Must have a bachelor’s in CS or be working on one, work on global IT projects, Mountain View CA location - [California]
- Twilio - Student Internships - Offers a variety of different student internship opportunities, check to see what is available, can offer in Toronto, Vancouver, California, Denver - [Ontario] [BC] [California] [Colorado]
- Twitter - Student Summer Internship - Currently closed for 2022, check back in early 2023 to apply - 12 weeks, must be a current undergrad or graduate student to apply - [Remote] [Canada] [USA]
- Unity - Student Internship - Work with 3D graphic technology, work with full-time employees on team, offered in Calgary, Montreal, Port Coquitlam, Vancouver, San Francisco - [Alberta] [Quebec] [BC] [California]
- Uber - Internships - Students and new grads, various positions offered, check to see what is available, have locations across Canada and the US - [Canada] [USA]
- Wish - Internships - Students and grads, 12 weeks, software engineering, impactful projects, California, Seattle, check website for availability - [California] [Washington]
- WP Engine - Internship - Fall, Spring, and Summer terms, 10 weeks, 1:1 mentoring, perks, hackathons, Austin TX location - [Texas]
- Xillinx - Student Internship - Must be currently enrolled in CS or related field, three-six months, San Jose location - [California]
- Zynga - Summer Internships - game development, must be a CS student, currently remote, located in Oregon, Texas, and Toronto - [Remote] [Oregon] [Texas] [Toronto]
New Grad Opportunities
- Adobe - New Grads - Training and professional development funding, access to financial reimbursement for higher education - [New York] [California]
- Affirm - New Grads - Work with other grads in a team, mentorship, work on real projects, check job openings for availability, offered remotely to Canadian and US grads - [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- Amazon - New Grad Opportunities - Offer a wide range of new grad opportunities, check to see what is available, offered globally - [Global Remote]
- Apple - New Grads - Various positions offered, check to see what is currently available - [California]
- Arm - New Grads - Software engineer role, must be a recent CS grad to apply, located in Boston - [Massachusetts]
- Autodesk - New Grads - Collaborate with developers, check website for availability, opportunities across Canada and the US - [Canada] [USA]
- Cadence - Internships - For students and new grads, offers a variety of roles, check to see what is available, summer internships and others - [California]
- Capital One - Grad Program - Ten weeks to one year, offers a variety of roles, check to see what is currently available - [California]
- DoorDash - New Grads - Software development, entry level positions, check for availability, offices in Toronto, San Francisco, Mountain View, Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, Pittsburgh, Chicago - [Ontario] [California] [New York] [Washington] [Pennsylvania] [Illinois]
- Dropbox - New Grads - access to curated events and programs, check website for availability - [USA Remote]
- EA - Internships - Offers variety of internships for students and for new grads, summer and otherwise, check to see what is currently available - [California] [Georgia] [BC] [Florida] [Ontario]
- Equinix - New Grads - Check website to see what is available, offers variety of roles - [California]
- HP - Summer Grad Internship - Must be current CS student or have a Masters in CS or related fields, Texas location - [Texas]
- HPE - Student and New Grad Internships - Offer positions for both current students and new CS grads, variety of different roles, check to see what is available - [California] [Texas] [North Carolina] [Colorado]
- HTD Health - Internship Program Hello World - For students and new grads, July-September 2022, paid internship, have a growth partner, workshops, good chance of being hired after, send in resume to apply - [Global Remote]
- Jam3 - Summer Internship - Must be student or have graduated in past two years to apply, 16 week paid internship, work with a small team on a real client project, apply through website, Toronto and Los Angeles locations - [Ontario] [California]
- Keysight - New Grad Opportunity - Full-time software engineer, need a CS degree or degree in related field, comes with benefits, pay range $78-$94k, located in Loveland - [Colorado]
- Kinaxis - New Grads - Eight to twelve month internship starting in May, must have a degree in a related field, proficiency with JavaScript and Python, position offered remotely throughout Canada and US - [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- Lyft - New Grads - Offer a variety of different opportunities for CS students and grads, check to see what is available - [California] [Texas] [New York] [USA Remote] [Washington] [New Mexico]
- Meta - New Grads - Offers various positions for grad students, check to see what is available, offered throughout North America - [Canada] [USA]
- Netapp - Grad Opportunity - For grads or those with equivalent 4+ years of software development experience - [North Carolina]
- Pandora - Summer Internships - Offer a variety of different internships, internships are paid, must be an enrolled student or recent graduate to apply in a CS or related field - [New York] [California] [Georgia]
- Pinterest - New Grads - Twelve weeks, need 2-3 years of CS classes, ownership over projects, offered in San Francisco, Palo Alto, Seattle, and Toronto - [California] [Washington] [Ontario]
- Polaris - Grad Opportunities - digital and information services, check website for availability, based in Plymouth Minnesota - [Minnesota]
- Salesforce - New Grads - Locations across the US offered, some may be remote, check for available opportunities - [USA] [USA Remote]
- Shopify - Internships and Student Internships - Open to student and grads, three, four, and eight month long internships, offer remotely throughout Canada and the US - [Canada Remote] [USA Remote]
- Square - New Grads - Check job listings for available opportunities, have offices in US and Canada, may offer Toronto location - [Canada] [USA]
- Synopsys - Student Internships - For students and new grads, competitive pay, offer a variety of different internship opportunities, check to see what is available, offices across the US and Canada - [Canada] [USA]
- Twitter - Student Summer Internship - Currently closed for 2022, check back in early 2023 to apply - 12 weeks, must be a current undergrad or graduate student to apply - [Remote] [Canada] [USA]
- Uber - Internships - Students and new grads, various positions offered, check to see what is available, have locations across Canada and the US - [Canada] [USA]
- Ubisoft - Graduate Program - Two year international program, check website for open opportunities, hire globally - [Global]
- Xanadu - Residency Program - Sixteen week paid summer program for students and grads in computer science, mentorship from world class scientists and developers, located in Toronto office - [Ontario]
- Yardi - Grad Internships - Must have a CS degree or equivalent, various internships offered, paid internships, benefits, 401(k), Minneapolis and Santa Barbara locations - [California] [Minnesota]
- Zynga - New Grads - game development, must have a CS degree, currently remote, located in Oregon, Texas, and Toronto - [Remote] [Oregon] [Texas] [Toronto]
- 8th Light - Apprenticeships - 6 months, paired with a mentor, hire in groups of cohorts, self study, workshops, each apprenticeship unique to individual needs, contact to apply - [New York] [Chicago] [Los Angeles] [USA Remote]
- Dropbox - IGNITE Apprenticeship - Six month program, aimed at professionals without traditional software development experience - [USA Remote]
- Google - US Apprenticeships - Strong academic performance in a related field needed to apply, 20 month program, located in New York and Atlanta, email to apply - [New York] [Georgia]
- Groundwork - Apprenticeships - Need a degree in anything, some knowledge of software development, willingness to learn, benefits include health and dental care, 401K, flexible holidays and vacations - [New York]
- LinkedIn - REACH - Technical apprenticeship program, for those from non-traditional backgrounds, multi-year program with full-time work and benefits, hire a few cohorts a year, summer 2022 applications are currently closed, but applications will open again mid 2022, dates tbd - [Remote USA] [California] [New York]
- Lyft - Apprenticeships - Did not have any tech related internships at time of writing but they do offer them, check to see if any are available, ideal for those with a non-traditional tech background - [USA]
- Pandora - Apprenticeship Program - For those without CS degrees but with some training via bootcamps/online courses/self-study etc, phase one can last from one-six months, phase two is spent working at the company for up to six months and will be eligible for any open roles at the end of the program - [California] [USA Remote]
- Pinterest - Apprenticeship Programs - Up to one year, may be offered full-time employment, encourages people from underrepresented groups and non-traditional tech backgrounds to apply, applications for 2022 have closed, apply in Fall 2022 for 2023 apprenticeships, uncertain of location - [Canada] [USA]
- Thoughtbot - Apprenticeships - Ruby on Rails Apprenticeship, full-time paid position, work with mentors, after three months get hired on as a developer - [Americas Remote] [USA Remote]